Windows 7 and Word 2010 Keyboard

This class pisses me off. It’s nothing but a bunch of silly ass women that can’t even sign into a computer without help. They answer their phone and talk on it; the teacher constantly has to repeat things over and over.  People get up and walk out during the middle of class or come in really late. If it wasn’t required I wouldn’t take it. I can’t wait for it to be over. 


Why does it cost so much when it isn’t Lent? That’s usually the only time of year I eat them because they’re 2 for $5; any other time of year it’s almost $4 for the sandwich by itself. I could see if the filet was bigger but to me it seems to have gotten smaller over the years and I’m not willing to pay that much for a small piece of fish with cheese and extra tartar sauce. I’ve been busy since school started back; going full-time is keeping me on my toes that’s for sure.  So far everything is going well; I’m actually staying on top of my homework this semester. I’m even ahead in one of my classes. Even though Mondays are all day I’m handling them pretty good so far. I’m just going to have to make sure to have some kind of caffeine on hand for my last class which is a 4 hour history lecture. I’ve also done pretty good with going to bed early; I think I’ve only stayed up past midnight one night since school has started. My goal is to be in bed by 10 the nights I don’t have class. I can always take a nap when I get home.


I seem to have more of it now that I’ve changed some things in my life. I’m actually a week ahead in one class  already. Which is good because it’s over in March and that’ll be here before I know it. It also helps because the class I take after it is taught by the same teacher and she said that as soon as I’m done with the current one I can start the work for the next one.  So when I’m done with the second one I might not even have to go to that class which would be two free days to do homework if my other classes have a lot. I did finally go to the Apple store today and stock up on USB cords. I had no luck finding the student papers for class tomorrow. I sent the teach an email telling her none of the three campus bookstores had them and that I didn’t see a link in Blackboard where I could print out the ones that are needed for class. Last time I checked there wasn’t a response from her. Either everybody else in class got them or nobody is trying like I am.

Information Management

The class hasn’t even started yet and it’s already a pain in the butt. So the teacher puts the syllabus up Tuesday and I read through it and lo and behold I need something called student papers. I either have to go to the bookstore and buy it or print it out. Of course she doesn’t have it posted so I can print it and when I went to the downtown campus bookstore today and  they didn’t have it. So hopefully it’ll be at the bookstore at the west campus I’m going to tomorrow; if not then I’ll have to go to the south campus. I also still haven’t went and brought another charger for my phone and it seems like the one I have downstairs is trying to die and the one for my iPad. I think I have an extra one for the iPad but it might be the last one I have. So if I ever make it to the Apple store I’ll be buying chargers galore. I got really aggravated in class today because while the teacher was talking there were two chicks having a conversation and I’m like really? Of course they were the first ones asking questions; instead of talking pay attention. There were also two girls that came in late. Towards the end of the class there was a younger girl that didn’t know how to make a folder on the computer. I thought basic computer skills were taught in high school. It seemed like such a dumb question to me coming from someone that I thought should already know how to do it.

Back To Business

So school started back today and it was good to get out of the house. The class I went to today was a keyboarding one that I have to take for one of the programs that I’m enrolled in. It seems to be an easy class; the rest of my classes not so much. Which is fine; I’ll just have to buckle down and get the work done. Most of the classes I’m taking this semester are business orientated; something that I’ve got some experience in and I figured it wouldn’t hurt to hone my skills and learn something new in case phlebotomy doesn’t work out. I kind of want to sign up for the baking production program since I seem to be talented in that too. I think I’ll finish the two programs I started first and then see what happens.


So tomorrow the temperature will drop to negative bajillion. Of course it would the day I go back to school. -_- At least it’s only one class but since I still haven’t gotten a new charger for my phone I might be out in the cold a little longer then I need to. Some mall food might make up for that though.

A Week From Today…

School will be starting again which is a good thing because I’m starting to get bored just being at home. Most of my classes this semester are for the 2nd program that I signed up for which is office technology. I’m also taking a history class and medical terminology for Phlebotomy. I also need to petition this semester so that I can do clinicals during the summer or fall. Hopefully I get accepted and can do it in the summer and find a job so I can add on to my savings and move out. Those are my main goals for now: getting a job and moving out.


Once again I didn’t get done what I wanted and needed to get done. It didn’t help that my grandmother was at home and she kept bothering me with stuff she wanted done that she could’ve done herself. It’s like the more I try to get accomplish the less I do. I haven’t even pull out a bag so I can pack for Chicago and I have a lot of stuff to do on Tuesday. I’m just going to have to get up early tomorrow and run the one errand I have to do and come back and finish up the mess I have upstairs. I definitely need to get my sleep back to something that resembles normal since I’ll be going to school full time this semester. I also have a post I need to put together for Cooking Hijinx since I remembered to take step by step pictures of one of the cheesecakes I made last week.


I can’t believe that it’s only 8:30 and I’m already sleepy. I think after this episode of Murder, She Wrote goes off I’m going to bed. I’ve got a kind of busy day ahead of me tomorrow since a couple of things have gone awry. I forgot to make my first payment for this semester of school when I went and brought my books yesterday and a book I ordered from Amazon is not the one that was shown on the site. So I have to go back to school tomorrow and make that payment and buy that book. I also have to make the Bourbon Chocolate Pecan cheesecake tomorrow. I never knew so much work went into baking a cheesecake. I think the Caramel Pumpkin Pecan Gingersnap one turned out how it was suppose to. I was surprised that it didn’t have any cracks when I took it out the oven. I’ll be putting it in the deep freezer tomorrow; that’s why I want to get the other baked. I think freezing them will help when I ship them.


Looks like I have a full day ahead of me tomorrow. I have to go buy books for school, buy the rest of the ingredients for two cheesecakes I’m making, hopefully buy boxes to ship them in and make the cheesecakes. With all the running around I’ll be doing I probably won’t make them until Thursday. Actually now that I think about it I’ll have to make them then because I’m going to Chicago next week and the week after that school starts back. So the cheesecakes I’m making are Bourbon Chocolate Pecan and Caramel Pumpkin Pecan Gingersnap. I think they will be the first entries on Cooking Hijinx.